Monday, May 2, 2016

Reflections of Experiential Learning

Reflections of Experiential Learning

As I sit and write this final project, I reflect on the opportunities and the problems that I have encountered within the internship as well as within myself. Before participating in the internship, I did not have any idea that the internship existed. I was not someone that checked her emails every day, and truthfully, I did not check them weekly. It would take me months to check my emails or they were checked on an as needed basis. The internship was the beginning of a new habit for me.
Being a part of this internship has helped me to discover the business person that I need to be. I still have a lot of things to learn and I am sure that I will get that along the way. Teamwork, and communication were among the basics for the internship, and I learned that as well. The internship is a very good idea for those that have been in school for some time, and have been writing paper after paper about the theory of their coursework, but the internship helps to put that theory into practice. This allows for students to gain great experience to take with them after graduation, out into the business world.
Kaplan’s internship program consists of many different departments such as, Kaplan Radio, KapTech, KapCon, which is known as, Kaplan Consulting, Health and Wellness, and many more departments. The internship was designed to give students real world business experiences that can make them more prepared once they enter into the business world, after graduation. To assist with the learning experience the internship requires that students keep a weekly journal of the experiences that were learned during the week, which replaces discussion boards. Depending on what company that you do your internship with it can be either paid or unpaid. The good thing is that students are able to do their internship program for both associates and bachelor’s degree.
            There are many reasons why a student should consider an internship. Things such as experiencing what the field you are going to work in will be like, you gain hands on experience, and there are networking and mentoring opportunities. Students are also able to work on various tasks and projects, all while gaining professional development opportunities. The internship is excellent for preparing students for professionalism, after graduation.
            An internship helps to give a student an idea of what to look for when they get out into the business world. It also shows a student how to act when dealing with coworkers and managers. The internship experience makes the transition into the business world less scary than if a student had not took the internship. Great experiences come from being a part of an internship, as it teaches independence.
            Another great thing about being a part of an internship is that one gets a chance to network. Networking allows a person to build a relationship with acquaintances and associates through regular communication for mutual benefits. If someone is an introvert, basically meaning, a person who is energized by being alone, and whose energy is drained by being around other people (About Parenting, 2015), networking will be pretty difficult for them. Being an introvert does not necessarily mean that one does not have social skills but it will take them more time than an extrovert to gain networking partners.
            Effective networking is done by both parties, the networker and the networked. First of all both parties need to engage in the conversation of exchanging information. Then, evaluating your contacts, meaning that everyone that you network with is not worth establishing a relationship with. For this reason it is important to ask questions about their position, and what the company is about and how they stack up against the competition (Forbes, 2014).   
            The course along with the internship were both very separate but similar. The course was where we wrote about our experiences within the internship, and the internship was the actual leg work. Although the assignments within the course were very repetitive, they were good reflection pieces toward the internship. Keeping in mind to connect theories and concepts with practical experiences was a great way to navigate through the course as well as the internship.
                  Understanding information management, planning, and control are important key factors in a business environment. Information is used to set tactics and accomplish business objectives.  According to an article by, Blue Avenue associates, “A good management information system will only reap the benefits if the companies gain insight to better align strategies”. In order for a business to work, it has to have a plan that makes sense for the company to move forward. Business planning requires a few things like, handling resources as well as the businesses priorities, in an organized way. Lastly, Business dictionary defines management control as achieving defined goals within an established timetable.
            Ethics, whether in business or in one’s personal life, serves to keep one honest. Maintaining ethics within a business setting is lucrative, and keeps the company’s name in good standing. The decision to behave ethically is said to be a moral one; this may involve rejecting the route that would lead to the biggest short-term profit. Displaying ethical behavior can bring momentous benefits to a business. Corporate social responsibility is also very important in an organization as it too can bring significant benefits to a business.
             An organization runs smoothly when everyone within the company knows their positons. Within an organization individuals are assigned titles for many purposes, to understand what their jobs consist of and also to know on what level they fall into on the organizational chart. The levels in business hierarchy consist of top level management, which are people like the CEOs, Managing directors, General Managers, Presidents, and Vice Presidents, whom are considered the planners. The second level is middle level management, these are assistant managers, managers, and senior managers. These are the people that make sure to manage the plans that top level has set forth. Lastly, the operation level employees are the frontline employees. These are the people that execute the plans that were delegated to them from the middle level managers.
            Expanding a company into the global economy can be costly and risky. There are many things that come along with doing such a thing. A business owner must spend lots of money on research and development to research the information needed to open a business in another country. One has to know the demographics in which they want to build in. One also has to know the necessity of the product or service needed by the people. There has to also be knowledge of income.
            Understanding the way a country is run will help a business owner to make sound decisions for their company. Smart business owners know that there are a few things to consider before opening a business in another country. First, research business practices consists of reviewing taxes, business laws and practices, and banking, which may vary from country to country. Studying the laws of another country before venturing out will help to know if it will be a good business investment.
            Second, a business owner must study cultural differences. The necessity for a product or service might benefit people of the United States, this may not be the case for the people of a foreign country. In many countries there is not a need for cars, yet in still, many people cannot afford them. There would be no need for BMW or Benz to open up a car dealership. Many countries are not poor but the majority of the country is not wealthy either.
Third, the country’s political climate requires understanding a country’s political and economic system. It is important to understand what the potential country’s political views are, and where they stand on taxes. Having a good idea of what the potential country’s taxation laws are will help to not have any unexpected surprises when their economy is going through a change. Doing research beforehand will eliminate any doubts or surprises.   
The fourth and most important tip is to seek legal advice. Speaking with a legal professional can help to make sure that you are making a good investment. This will also help to insure that you are not getting into a bad economic situation. The best thing to do is to find a local lawyer that lives and works within that country. This specialist will have the knowledge to understand what the best advice would be to give the business owner.
The fifth tip is to seek local guidance to understand more about the businesses that are already there. A good idea is to make friends or become acquaintances with other business owners before the big venture. Seeking local guidance is best because that way a business owner can get an idea of the necessity of the product or service. Local information will give an idea of people’s income and if they will be able to afford the product or service.
            The sixth and last tip is to give yourself time. Before jumping into something too fast give yourself time to think if the product or service is necessary in that country. Also, give yourself time to see if going global is something that you are ready to get into. Going global will involve lots of travel until the business gets on its feet. Managers will have to be trained and hired to run the many departments of the company.      
The government also has a word in how a business operates. Whether big or small the government has a hand in how the business is regulated. It is said that although the government regulates both, they are really on the side of larger companies. The larger companies bring in more revenue than a smaller business, and have more affiliation with politics and other big officials than a smaller company. The laws for a global company are differe4nt than those in the United States.
The laws for a global company comes from within the country that one is looking to build in. There may be laws that say once a foreign company opens up a business in a country, that the business has to give a portion of its proceeds to their government, or back to the community. There are also laws which prohibits bribery of foreign government officials and officials of public international organizations. Finally, the government has laws that regulate the imports and exports of technology and products to and from the United States, respectively.
            Developing career skills come from learning what is taught by an instructor in school and then practicing those skills when you get into the business world. Career skills are what helps to land an individual the job position that they want. As an employee you learn many skills such as communication skills, teamwork, technology skills, and professionalism as an overall. These skills, when practiced, can help us get into a management position.
Having career skills will help to boost someone into a higher position. When one develops career skills and use them appropriately, this does not go unnoticed. Manager’s notice when a worker does their job, and they also notice when a person goes above and beyond. Going above and beyond is what get employees a promotion or rewards. It is always a privilege to be able to do an effective job and get noticed for it.
            Teamwork is learned at an early age, but as a child it is called, playing nicely. As one transitions into adulthood, teamwork is necessary in order to get things done. In personal relationships, and in work relationships there are levels of teamwork involved. With teamwork comes respect, and respect is needed in order to work with someone and get a job done. In a business setting employees are encouraged to contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration.
            Being a team player has its benefits. Teamwork improves morale, by allowing employees to gain authority and ownership over projects. Being a part of a team also gives a person a sense of belonging. Also, being a part of a team allows for greater flexibility for the company. The company is able to collaborate a team of people from different parts of the company in order to complete a project, saving time and money.
            Also, the collaboration of a team fosters increased innovation. When a group of people get together ideas start to flow. With the mention of one word a team can come up with the best plan in order to complete a project. Many companies are said to be based on teamwork, as this helps the employees to be very creative. Friendships are oftentimes manifested from a group project.
            In addition to teamwork, leadership requires working with a team and modeling leadership skills by developing trusting relationships, respect, conflict resolution skills, and civic-mindedness. Often time’s people that are in leadership positions abuse their authority but there is a great need for leaders to demonstrate integrity, and social responsibility within their professions. A leader’s position is similar to that of a manager but the two have very different meanings. A leader is one that has people that follow them and managers have people that work for them. Leaders develop inspirational visions and missions, while managers operate under the vision or mission of a company.
Of course, it is true that personal presentation are among many of the factors that make an individual a professional. Professional presentation consist of conducting one’s self to reflect professional characteristics, while interacting with others in a professional manner. Professional presentation also consist of the attire of an individual. The way one dresses is important in a business setting, and speaks volumes about a professional. Professional image is projected by the way one is dressed, giving one confidence and a positive attitude.
The way a business person dresses is very important. Before a business person speaks their attire speaks for them. Although a business person may be very good at what they do, people always judge from the first impression, which is the way people dress. Also, dressing appropriately for the job puts the business person in the mind frame of the business at hand. 
Diversity in a business environment is very important. Diversity within a company helps all employees to have an open mind and to consider different perspectives on things.  Personally, demonstrating an understanding of multiculturalism and diversity helps a company grow its cultural value. Understanding that everyone is not the same and has different viewpoints on certain issues helps to make for a productive business organization.
Diversity in the workplace is very important for employees to keep an open mind. Diversity in the workplace allows the employees to gain mutual respect for their coworkers. Diversity also helps in conflict resolution, aides in building a business’s reputation, can help an employee with multiple language skills to gain promotions, and can provide increased exposure. Diversity adds many benefits to a company as well as to an employee.
Open mindedness is a key factor to understanding diversity. Employees gain mutual respect from their peers that are of a different culture. Once an understanding is established between the diverse cultures, respect for ideas, thoughts and concepts follow. Understanding diversity leads to a positive work environment for all that are involved.
Conflict resolution is tackled better with the understanding of diversity. When a person is aware of someone else’s culture they are more understanding that the person handle situation’s differently and they also think differently. One culture could handle a situation by talking it out and another could handle their situation by not addressing it all together. Many people do not like conflict, therefore, understanding another’s culture is beneficial to resolve problems.            
A business can get a good reputation from treating its employee’s right. When a business has a diversity department dedicated to the different groups within the company, those groups feel like they matter. Companies like Wells Fargo Bank has a diversity team with a representative for each different group of ethnicities. They have things and events dedicated to every group that go one each month to make the groups feel like their opinions count in the workplace. 
An employee that knows more than one language is able to get promotions or get the job of their dreams. Being multilingual is really good for a company because instead of hiring two people to fill two different positions, they are able to hire one person to fill both positions. Although a multilingual person is hired to do a two person job they may not get the pay of a two person position. The benefits would be great for this person and will allow for the employee to find work in other countries.
Lastly, diversity within a company allows the business to gain exposure. Positive exposure is what a company wants. A company does not want to be labeled as not being accommodating to its employees, especially if the employee is of a different culture. In order for a company to understand how a certain culture works it has to research the cultures beliefs, religions, clothing preferences, etc. 
Communication is the overall most important factor within a business environment. Communication helps employees to understand the perspective of those that are different from them. Communication opens up many avenues to employees so that teamwork and collaboration is successful. Great communication uses language that is clear, and organized and it uses the language that is appropriate for a targeted audience. Good communication makes for good teamwork, and teamwork makes for a successful organization.
So far, in my paper, I have discussed many important factors that will make for a successful organization. Factors such as teamwork, leadership, personal presentation, multiculturalism and diversity, communication are critical in maintaining and growing an effective business environment. Lastly, a successful business requires the utilization of problem solving and critical thinking across all departments. Critical thinking allows one to think outside of the box.
As the internship has provided me with much of the previously mentioned skills, there were many valuable experiences learned. The two most valuable experiences that I got from the internship was to always check my emails and to communicate with my team in order to get my assignments done. Before getting into the internship, I was really bad at checking my email, now I check them almost daily. The second most valuable experience that I learned was to always communicate with my team. Whenever I ran into a problem with an assignment I was skeptical about bothering my internship managers. They were really nice about helping me when I needed it. These experiences would fall under the course outcome of assessing the roles that structure, management, and leadership play in organizational performance.
 Based on the Skills Assessment that I have completed, I would consider my most significant strengths to be active listening, and critical thinking. Active listening allows for a person to be able to hear key words in a conversation and breakdown that information to use as needed. Secondly, when you are an active listener this allows a person to think critically. This experiential learning is helping me to grow into a critical thinking, team working professional.
I am very pleased to say that, I am happy that I was chosen to join the internship. I have opted for my next term to do the internship in place of my Capstone. The internship is going to further give me knowledge of how an organization works, as far as collaborating with coworkers and staying in touch with managers, on a much needed basis. As well as giving me more great experiences, the skills learned from the internship will be able to go on my resume to show a potential employer.
As I am aware of what the internship is about, my experiences should be even more fulfilling. I am grateful that someone came up with the idea to do an internship in place of the Capstone because the internship is much more needed. Entering into the internship is going to give me more confidence, as I transition into the business field. I will have the confidence to communicate effectively with coworkers of diverse cultures, and intimidating managers. I will go into a team project with self-assurance, knowing that I am well prepared to offer any ideas that I have.  
Although I am using what I am learning from the internship, there are still challenges that I face. As time goes on, I am still learning what kind of professional that I will grow into. I still have a few issues like, checking my email daily, and I still have issues with communicating effectively with managers and coworkers. These are easy to fix issues, but they could also be a hindrance, if I continue to go on this way. Therefore, to eliminate these challenges I am going to make sure that I practice checking my emails every day, throughout the day, if possible and also I will have to just think of communicating with managers as a way that is going to help build the company, and not to think of it as a personal thing.
Sometimes managers can be intimidating, but be that as it may, they are humans and are not God. Everyone in a work environment deserves the same level of respect. No one should get treated better than the next person. People should get recognized for their abilities, skills, and hard work. Although, managers, however, have their favorites and it is not a secret in most businesses. Because one cannot prove that there is obvious favoritism, people have to deal with it, and just do their jobs. Personally, as long as I am not getting picked on by a manger, I am good. If I am allowed to do my work, without being wrongfully ridiculed, it is a pleasant environment for me. 
Long after I am done with this program, I will still remember what I have been taught throughout. I have learned valuable things within the program as well as in the internship. I have learned the meaning of professionalism, what a professional should look like and how a professional should act. My journey does not end here, as I will continue to learn and practice professionalism every day. 
In conclusion, the internship has taught me a lot about becoming a professional. I realize that teamwork, leadership, personal presentation, multiculturalism and diversity, communication, and lastly, problem solving and critical thinking are the pillars of working within a successful environment. An internship can teach students very important, and valuable experiences that can be used in the business world. Strengths and opportunities can be reinforced by continuing to hone in on them and weakness and threats can be strengthened by much practice.     

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