Saturday, May 21, 2016

An overview of marketing class

An Overview of Marketing
Chapter 1
Class started off with you introducing yourself and briefly describing the course and how you put it together.
Course outcomes are
·      Summarize the basic components of a Marketing Strategy
·      Describe the importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing
There was supposed to be 3 to 4 other outcomes that you mentioned but I either missed or you got off tangent on to other parts of the class or could be a little of both
We get one mulligan for being late with an assignment. After that anything that is late will be docked points. You will also give us one chance to totally redo work except exams. All redo’s are due by Sunday of Unit 10.
Must use APA style referencing otherwise we will be nicely beaten-up on.
Assignments. Is a business memo about Disney, the happiest place on earth. Download one from Microsoft word.
Wow, you’re in Columbus Ohio! The Internet is truly amazing.
Looks like we get back to the course outcomes
Learning Outcomes
·      Define the term marketing
o   A philosophy, and attitude, a perspective, or a management orientation that stresses customer satisfaction
o   An organizational activity, set of institutions an processes.
·      Describe four marketing managements philosophies
·      Discuss the difference between sales and market orientations
·      Describe several reasons for studying marketing
Employees matter. Be grateful for all that they do.
American Marketing Association: Definition of Marketing
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offering that have value for customer, clients, partners and society at large.
Class is over

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