Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Information Management, Planning, & Controls in an Internship



The internship companies goal is to provide quality service to the community not for profit organizations and internal services to The University to help farther the success of professional disciplines offered by the university. The focus this week was providing the new interns with training and necessary tools they will need for their new roles. The current organizational structure of UniversityRadio is as follows; Manager, Editor, Scheduler, Social Media, and Consultant. The current UniversityRadio manager was promoted to I/O Director of UniversityConsulting, and an incoming intern was selected to fill the position. The other interns were assigned roles of Editor, Scheduler, Social Media, and Consultant and also given tasks to complete. Collaborations with the Happy Health Hub and Toys For Tots were discussed during the weekly AHOD meeting and each department was informed on what projects other UniversityConsulting departments were working on. The remainder of the week consisted of each team member working on their assigned tasks and becoming familiar with UniversityRadio’s processes.

Information Management, Planning, & Controls

”Communication prevents employees from feeling isolated, builds teamwork, and creates a more collegial atmosphere in the office” (Smith, E., 2015). This week there were challenges with information management. Some of the new intern paperwork sent out was unable to be edited through Google Drive, causing a delay of documents being returned to HR. As a solution, the incoming manager decided it would be best for each team member to have their own folder, especially for storing documents related to that particular role. He also assigned the task of creating a UniversityRadio handbook to the Editor so future interns will have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
Each team member was instructed on how to download Audacity and Lame, two software programs that assist in UniversityRadio daily operations. Audacity gives users the ability to import/export music files, create new audio files, or edit existing audio files.  Lame is used when the files need exported. The team was also given the username and password for Live365, the platform that is used to broadcast UniversityRadio, so new audio files can be imported and added to new playlists.


Major reorganization has occurred since UniversityRadio has been under new management and it is for the betterment of UniversityRadio and UniversityConsulting as a whole. Simplifying processes and communicating more effectively will foster a positive and productive work environment for interns to thrive in. Not only is this beneficial to UniversityRadio interns’ experiential learning, but also for the growth and future success.



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