Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Writing a Vignette

In A Handbook to Literature.  3rd. ed.  C. Hugh Holman defines the term vignette as
[a] sketch or essay or brief narrative characterized by great precision and delicate accuracy of composition.  The term is borrowed from that used for unbordered but delicate decorative designs for a book, and it implies writing with comparable grace and economy.  It may be a separate whole or a portion of a larger work.  The term is also applied to very brief short-short stories, less than five hundred words in length.  (551)

‘Vignettes are the literary equivalent of a snapshot [photograph].’ ~Wikipedia

When you think of what to include in a vignette, think of capturing the single image/moment caught by a photograph.  You are capturing that exact, precise moment … and nothing else!  You are not developing a plot, rather delving into a brief moment in time.

Characteristics of Vignettes:
1.  ‘Show Not Tell’
            Tellingà The room was vacant.
            Showingà The door opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house. Cob webs once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well worn floor. The light gave notice to the peeling paint on the walls and to the silhouettes once covered by pictures. The new air gave life to a stuffiness that entrapped the room. Faded and torn white sheets covered once new furniture now drowning in dust.
2.  Metaphor
            Definition:  Comparison of two things, not using like or as
            Example:  Charles is such a pig!

3.  Simile
            Definition:  Comparison of two things, using like or as
            Example:  His temper was as explosive as a volcano.

4.  Personification
            Definition: giving human traits (qualities, feelings, action, or characteristics) to     non-living objects (things, colors, qualities, or ideas)
            Example: The large rock refused to budge.

5.  Alliteration
            Definition:  repetition of the initial consonant; usually at least twice
            Example:  The rats rummaged through the raisins ravenously.

6.  Repetition
            Definition:  repeating a word or phrase for emphasis

7.  Sensory Details
            Definition:  sight, sound, smell, taste, touch
            Example:  (sound)  The music was very loud at the rock concert last night. à My            ears are still ringing today because the music was very loud at the rock concert          last night.

8.  ‘Show Not Tell’ with Figurative Language
            Telling: It was foggy.
The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.
- excerpt from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot

Requirements for each of your vignettes:

1.  ALWAYS ‘Show Not Tell’ by using Sensory Details.
2.  You must use at least three of the following characteristics in each of your vignettes:
            Simile                                      Personification                        Repetition
            Metaphor                                Alliteration
3.  Length: ½ - 1 page, single spaced
4.  Title (cannot be the assignment name)

Sample Vignette, ‘Hairs’ by Sandra Cisneros:

            Everybody in our family has different hair.  My Papa’s hair is like a broom, all up in the air.  And me, my hair is lazy.  It never obeys barrettes or bands.  Carlos’ hair is thick and straight.  He doesn’t need to comb it.  Nenny’s hair is slippery – slides out of your hand.  And Kiki, who is the youngest, has hair like fur.
            But my mother’s hair, my mother’s hair, like little rosettes, like little candy circles all curly and pretty because she pinned it in pincurls all day, sweet to put your nose into when she is holding you, holding you and your feel safe, is the warm smell of bread before you bake it, is the smell when she makes room for you on her side of the bed still warm with her skin, and you sleep near her, the rain outside falling and Papa snoring.  The snoring, the rain, and Mama’s hair that smells like bread.

Simile:  _________________________________________________________________


Metaphor:  ______________________________________________________________


Personification:  __________________________________________________________


Alliteration:  _____________________________________________________________


Repetition:  ______________________________________________________________


‘Show Not Tell’/Sensory Details:  ____________________________________________


Sample Vignette, ‘Chanclas’ by Sandra Cisneros:

            It’s me – Mama, Mama said.  I open and she’s there with bags and big boxes. The new clothes and, yes, she’s got the socks and a new slip with a little rose on it and a pink-and-white striped dress.  What about the shoes?  I forgot.  Too late now.  I’m tired.  Whew!
            Six-thirty already and my little cousin’s baptism is over.  All day waiting, the door locked, don’t open up for nobody, and I don’t till Mama gets back and buys everything except the shoes.
            Now Uncle Nacho is coming in his car, and we have to hurry to get to Precious Blood Church quick because that’s where the baptism party is, in the basement rented for today for dancing and tamales and everyone’s kids running all over the place. 
            Mama dances, laughs, dances.  All of a sudden, Mama is sick.  I fan her hot face with a paper plate.  Too many tamales, but Uncle Nacho says too many this and tilts his thumb to his lips.
            Everyone laughing except me, because I’m wearing the new dress, pink and white stripes, and new underclothes and new socks and the old saddle shoes I wear to school, brown and white, the kind I get every September because they last long and they do.  My feet scuffed and round, and the heels all crooked that look dumb with this dress, so I just sit.
            Meanwhile that boy who is my cousin by first communion or something asks me to dance and I can’t.  Just stuff my feet under the metal folding chair stamped Precious Blood and pick on a wad of brown gum that’s stuck beneath the seat.  I shake my head no.  My feet are growing bigger and bigger.
            Then Uncle Nacho is pulling and pulling my arm and it doesn’t matter how new the dress Mama bought is because my feet are ugly until my uncle who is a liar says, You are the prettiest girl here, will you dance, but I believe him, and yes, we are dancing, my Uncle Nacho and me, only I don’t want to at first.  My feet swell big and heavy like plungers, but I drag them across the linoleum floor straight center where Uncle wants to show off the new dance we learned.  And Uncle spins me, and my skinny arms bend the way he taught me, and my mother watches, and my little cousins watch, and the boy who is my cousin by fir communion watches, and everyone says, wow, who are those two who dance like in the movies, until I forget that I am wearing only ordinary shows, brown and white, the kind my mother buys each year for school. 
            And all I hear is the clapping when the music stops.  My uncle and me bow and he walks me back in my thick shows to my mother who is proud to be my mother.  All night the boy who is a man watches me dance.  He watched me dance.

Simile:  _________________________________________________________________


Metaphor:  ______________________________________________________________


Personification:  __________________________________________________________


Alliteration:  _____________________________________________________________


Repetition:  ______________________________________________________________


‘Show Not Tell’/Sensory Details:  ____________________________________________


Childhood Memory Vignette
(Birth – Elementary School)

List at least 5 experiences that you could write about:





*Put a star next to three experiences that you would most like to write about.

*Turn to the person you are sharing a table with and briefly describe to them your top 3 experiences.  Ask for which experience they would most want to read about.

*Put an * next to the 1 experience that you are going to write a vignette about, keeping your audience and your purpose in mind.


Experience:  ____________________________________________________________

Outline of Events (be very specific):


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:


  Sensory/Specific Details:

Develop the following characteristics of a vignette about events/sensory-specific details that you listed above:

Event:  _________________________________________________________________

Simile:  _________________________________________________________________


Event:  _________________________________________________________________

Metaphor:  ______________________________________________________________


Event:  _________________________________________________________________

Personification:  __________________________________________________________


Event:  _________________________________________________________________

Alliteration:  _____________________________________________________________


Event:  _________________________________________________________________

Repetition:  ______________________________________________________________


Skills Assessment Essay

Skills Assessment Essay

The first skill that I feel is important in my future is being able to use judgement and decision making. I have had to use these skills in my past and definitely plan on using them in the future. I have been in the military now for fifteen years and have had to make judgment calls and make decisions. As an admin NCO I have had to make decisions dealing with time management and being able to prioritize what tasks need to be completed in what order. Working as a Cabinets and Appliances sales associate I have had to make decisions on what to recommend customers as far as what cabinets and countertops and appliances that would best suit their needs and wants. Working with Combined Insurance I have had to make decisions on what coverages would be best suitable for the client and to ensure that they are getting what they need as well as want. During deployments I have had to make many decision and judgment calls to ensure the safety of my convoys as well as the safety of our equipment. Being a materials handler SGT I had to use good judgement when setting up an warehouse to store 1500 engine worth of parts, to ensure that the parts were going to be put in an organized manner in an appropriate amount of space. I have had to make decisions on when to order what parts and when to turn other parts in for funds. Working for Best Buy Geek Squad I have had to make judgements on determining whether a customer’s computer was going to be able to fix at the store, shipped out, or if needed to be replaced. L also had to make decisions on how I was going to organize my work and what work needed to be done at what time. When I first joined the military as an Administrative Assistant I have had to make decisions to first join and then to join the military as a Administrative Assistant then to changes my military occupation specialty to maintenance and transportation. I have also had to make decisions on units that I have had to relocate to.
            The second skill that I think would be important in my future is coordination. As an Admin NCO I have had to coordinate with others when building the calendar schedules for meetings and conferences to prevent overlaps. Also as an Admin NCO I have had to coordinate the reordering of supplies to ensure that supplies are never depleted. As a Cabinets and appliances sales associate I have had to coordinate with customers on when they were wanting to order their cabinets, countertops and appliances to ensure that they would be delivered at a time that would work best for them. As an Outside sales representative I have to coordinate with clients on times that would work best for them to set up appointments to discuss their coverages as well as their options. During my second deployment I have had to coordinate with my unit to ensure that everyone was where they were supposed to be, when they needed to be there.  I also coordinated with my team to ensure that we meet before and after missions to discuss the game plans. When working for Best Buy Geek Squad I had to coordinate phone calls to customers whose equipment came in to determine when the equipment was going to be picked up. While working for Allied Insurance I had to coordinate with work to ensure that I was working at times when there was going to be high call volumes, and to ensure that I do not take time on those days. I also had to coordinate with clients on effective dates of changes, coverages, as well as follow ups.  When joining the military as an Administrative assistant I had to coordinate with my superiors on when they wanted tasks and the order that they wanted me to complete the tasks. With the supply accountability team I have had to coordinate with the team and the units to determine best times for conducting inventories and reconciliations. During my first deployment I had to coordinate with the units on when I wanted their reports turned in to ensure that I had plenty of time to compile the information to present to my higher.
The third skill that I think would be important in my future is being able to use critical thinking. While being in the military I have to use a lot of critical thinking skills to determine what decisions have to be made and when. I have also had to use critical thinking in determining problems and trying to determine ways to solve problems. Working as a Cabinets and Appliances sales associate I had to use critical thinking when using dimensions for cabinets, countertops, and appliances to ensure that they are able to fit. I also had to use critical thinking when designing kitchens and countertops in order to be able to design a kitchen that the customer would be satisfied with. Working as an Outside Sales Representative I had to use critical thinking when setting up appointments to ensure the most use of time and resources. I have also had to use critical thinking to determine a client’s needs compared to the coverages that they currently had. During both my deployments I have had to use critical thinking to ensure that the proper choices were being made at the proper times. When working as a Materials Handler SGT I used critical thinking to ensure that there were enough parts to complete the 1500 engine mission. I also had to use critical thinking to ensure that there was enough room for the parts and that the engines were being packaged and crated quickly  enough to meet the demands. Working at Best Buy in Geek Squad I had to use critical thinking to complete proper diagnosis and solutions to customer’s problems. Working at Allied I had to use critical thinking to determine which coverages would best fit the insureds needs and price range. I would also use critical thinking to assist with billing and policy issues. When I first joined the military as an Administrative Assistant I used critical thinking to ensure that the assigned tasks were being completed as quickly as possible, in the order that they are needing to be completed. Working with the Supply Accountability team I used critical thinking to conduct inventories as well as conducting property book reconciliations. Working as a reports manager I had to use critical thinking to be able to determine how many days of supply of food and water is currently on hand and then to be able to predict future needs of my location as well as many others.
The fourth skill I think would be important in my future is active listening. In all of my jobs I have had to use active listening to ensure that I get the correct information the first time. Also being an active listener shows others that you care and makes it better to carry on a conversation.
The fifth skill that I think would be important in my future is complex problem solving. As an Admin NCO I have had to use complex problem solving to determine issues with pay, benefits, and paperwork. Working as a Cabinets and Appliances sales associate I have had to use complex problem solving when trying to design a kitchen that has little to no space. I have to also use complex problem solving when customers have provided wrong dimensions for their kitchen design and being able to make it so that they are able to still get what they want with the amount of space that they had to work with. Sometimes that would include reordering or redesigning the kitchen. Working as an outside sales agent I used complex problem solving to determine why claims hadn’t been paid, or if there were billing issues or if the policy wasn’t written the way that the insured wanted it written. During my last deployment I used complex problem solving to determine issues with vehicles or personnel.  As a Materials Handler SGT I used complex problem solving to determine if and when there was shortages with parts and what to do about the shortages. I also had to use complex problem solving when setting up the parts warehouse and then would have half of the space originally stated to work with. Working with Geek Squad I used complex problem solving to determine what problems were occurring with customer’s products and how to fix the problems. Working at Allied I used complex problem solving to resolve billing problems as well as claim problems. I had to use complex problem solving with billing to determine what went wrong and how to fix it. With claim problems I had to use problem solving to determine coverages compared to the claim that was being filled. As an administrative assistant I used problem solving to fix paperwork submissions. Working with the Supply Accountability Team I used complex problem solving to determine where a units property was located, if it was located in the place where it was supposed to be. During my first deployment I had to use complex problem solving to ensure that Forward Operating Bases that were low on supplies would be able to get resupplied before they were totally out.

Learning Through Experience


The focus of this paper will be within the HR Director’s position within KapConsulting. This position is a direct report from the generalist managers and reports directly to the VP of Sales and Management and Human Resources. This position has been eye opening as to how the department is ran and the roles and responsibilities within it. It has been rewarding to be able to coach, instruct, and lead a team of interns in this department. There are many course outcomes and professional competencies put into practice within this position.

Required Accomplishments

Accomplishments within this position are important to the continued success of the department. Communication with all of the interns is important and staying organized with all of the information is equally emphasized. Weekly tasks include weekly accomplishment sheets (WAS), time clock corrections (TCC), weekly time and performance updates for the president, weekly payroll sheets, evaluate performance of managers and interns to make sure they are completing required tasks, weekly HR Department and AHOD meetings, and ensuring that new interns are recruited and brought into the internship successfully. Ultimately this position reviews everything that goes on in the department and makes sure the assigned people for the tasks complete them.

Currently Working On

            The HR Director position is currently working within the department to ensure the merger between the recruiting and generalist departments is seamless. This was a seemingly simple transition, however the team struggled with it in terms of training for both departments. It feels as if the team is still divided as far as task ability and knowledge. The leadership of this department needs to make sure everyone is understanding their current roles and responsibilities to ensure the department continues to operate at its best moving forward. This will be an area of interest for this position and will decide how effective the team is moving forward.
            Concurrently with the merger this position is working alongside the business process and training and documentation departments to create folders with consistent information for every new intern that is brought into the program. The attempt is to streamline the process and make it simplified for the new interns to complete the necessary paperwork and hit the ground running within the department they are placed. However this has been an area of concern as well. While progress has been made, the team failed to implement this process before the last group of interns were brought in so it has yet to be tested and evaluated for its potential success.
            Another concern for the HR Director at this time is preparing a folder with the information necessary to continue the job when it is time for a replacement. Upon taking over the position there was no folder for training. One of the tasks that is being worked on within the department is a folder containing all needed training material for replacements. The positions working on this within the HR Department are Generalist Managers, HR Director, and Vice President. Once complete this will be a go to folder for new interns in the position to use as a reference anytime it’s needed. It will be beneficial to the positions and make for an accelerated transition from one to the next.
Addressing Challenges
 Addressing the challenges for the HR Director will be critical. The transition for new interns and the ones taking over the position will consider this information vital and it is of tremendous concern. Ensuring the recruiters understand the generalist side of the function is crucial. Gathering everyone in a meeting room where they can discuss issues openly and without reprise will be beneficial. Going over the training slides will benefit as well. It will allow them to visualize and understand where the tasks are located and what it will take to complete them.
Creating the new folders for the interns coming into the program will ease the tension and burden of the generalists to a degree. This will allow everyone to send an invitation email, attach a link to a folder with their name on it in google drive, and allow them to access the necessary paperwork and training materials without the need for extensive emails and follow up. Simplifying this task will give everyone the ability to focus on what truly matters, the intern, and their initial entry into the program freeing up more time and energy spent dedicated to training and tasks from day one. Capitalizing on the key term Kaizen, which simply means to improve, we can collaborate and determine a better process for this concept. As referenced in, “Thoughts on Kaizen and its Evolution”, the authors discuss how continuous improvement is not simply a task for management but incorporates the workers as well (Barraza, 2011). Capitalizing on the ability of workers and management to create new and innovative ideas helps streamline processes and tasks to eliminate waste and make for a more productive process for everyone. By incorporating this theory into the internship we can continue to evolve and make the onboarding process more productive.
Creating the training folders will ensure the continued success of the interns new to the positions within their roles with little guidance. A folder has already been created for the HR Director role and attaching the proper forms and training documents will ensure a successful transition from one position to another. This work has been started already and will continue to be completed in the near future. To make this task successful it will need to be audited upon completion. Having different sets of eyes on the completed project will ensure everything is in order.
Course Outcomes
            The first course outcome deals with information management and controls within the organization. It is pertinent for this paper as interns try and organize their thoughts and decisions structure and planning go a long way. Planning for the different challenges this position faces is crucial to its success. Evaluating information management allows the department to critically, step back, take in the process, and determine ways to improve it for everyone. Evaluating the process of building training folders for new interns is simple. Currently the department utilizes the coaching method. While effective this method is not completely efficient. By preparing a folder with all needed documentation and training materials the individual stepping into this role is already a step ahead in the roles and responsibilities of the position. At this point, minimal coaching is necessary to ensure success within the position. 
            This outcome deals with the process in which information is disseminated and the procedures that lie within. By analyzing the process and procedures in which the organization completes its tasks, one can determine how successful the outcome of the process will be. Within organization learning there is a theory, it suggests that the concept is using past experiences to drive change and direct future activity.  According to Hunte-Cox, organizational learning is the determined by three concepts within it, structure, strategy, and environments (Hunte-Cox, 2004). Analyzing where the organization is currently and where it needs to be is critical for the continued success of it. The process utilized now to bring in new recruits is broken. New interns have expressed the enormity of emails they receive right off the bat. Information overload has been described, and even insanity. By analyzing the current process and understanding the key issues impeding success, the department has created an alternative method, it just needs to be implemented.
Professional Competencies
            PC-1, 1.1 & 1.3
            Teamwork is imperative to the internship and this position. Conducting oneself to include the team in all aspects necessary, portrays skills and demonstrates a leader. Exceptional guidance is available at KapConsulting, starting with Kevin, down to the managers of each department. Teamwork is vital to the continued success of this organization. It’s this ability that allows the interns to get the work done that they have and plan for future improvements. According to a study written by Rolfsen, there are three guiding aspects to autonomous teamwork within an organization (Rolfsen, 2013). These are governance, technical, and normative aspects (Rolfsen, 2013). These aspects are displayed at KapConsulting. Examples are great governance, this could be Kevin, the VP of Sales and HR Lissa Capobianco, and on down the list. These individuals give great guidance and allow the interns the ability to grow and develop. The technical aspect of it includes simply team projects and working together. The normative side of it refers to the 5 stages of group development. The norming stage is where the team members start to resolve their differences and become more comfortable with the other members and start to accept the leader’s position. This concept is prevalent throughout the internship and is an essential part of its success.
            PC-2, 2.1-2.5
            The HR Directors position within the department allows it many methods and opportunities to express ones skills and abilities as a leader. Collaboration and teamwork play a vital role in the ability for others to see the leader for what they truly are capable of and allow others to do. This is critical in accepting the director and allowing them to facilitate goals and accomplish them through the group.
            PC-3, 3.1-3.5
            Engaging with everyone from the internship is essential and determines the success of the individual in the position. Communication is key and understanding how to communicate effectively is a concept that is not overlooked. Whether through email, phone calls, or the creation of documents it is critical for the position to ensure constant and effective communication with everyone. Developing talent within the organization is imperative to continue the success it has had. Working one on one with other individuals capable of handling the work is necessary. 


            Many of the course outcomes and professional competencies apply to this position and this paper. While an individual may be successful simply playing the part and ensuring they complete the necessary work, the individual who masters these competencies and concepts will propel themselves into another category of true leaders. Success is not simply completing the necessary duties but helping others as well as guiding them in the right direction. This concept is not lost on the current HR Director and will continue to shape his success within the department and the organization.


Suárez-Barraza, M.,F., Ramis-Pujol, J., & Kerbache, L. (2011). Thoughts on kaizen and its evolution. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 2(4), 288-308. doi:
Hunte-Cox, D. (2004). Executive succession planning and the organizational learning capacity (Order No. 3111403). Available from ABI/INFORM Complete. (305186382). Retrieved from
Rolfsen, M. (2013). "We put teamwork back on the agenda again and again". Team Performance Management, 19(5), 292-304. doi: